Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oh Yes! Mobile Apps & #2!

So, today is the day I am starting Weight Watchers again. I'm pretty excited. I think I can do it, especially with you guys holding me accountable and the weigh in blog, which is for sure a go. There will be four of us, and I'm so excited! I've always gone it alone and I'm really looking forward to having some of my closest friends holding my hand through the process.

My weigh in this morning stunned me. Another pound down. Not even sure how it happened. The gyro and couple of french fries I had last night for dinner surely didn't aid in that process. However, this morning, I did switch my full fat Caramel Macchiato for a non-fat and the sugary raspberry syrup for sugar-free vanilla. One day I will learn to make my own good cup of coffee and not only cut down on the pounds, but my monthly expenses as well.

It's true! 

After setting up my WW profile I got to thinking that perhaps they had an app for Iphone and of course they did. Who doesn't these days? They have recipes, points tracker, weight tracker, points calculator, etc. Which will come in extremely helpful for me since I don't carry my laptop everywhere to calculate my points.

*here's me... thanking the Heavens*

Another site I love, but rarely use is Hungry Girl. I really should go back and open the months of daily emails I refused to delete, but didn't open. Her tips and recipes are amazing and usually have low points values. I think I will do that tonight and start planning my grocery list for next week. Part of the plan is going to be actually planning. :)

Off to do some food shopping. Happy eating, weighing, and maintaining.

Repeat Mantra: It's just a number. Being healthy is what matters.

1 comment:

  1. That's just the best mantra ever, and congrats on the weigh in!! I'll have to check out that site, too!
