Monday, August 23, 2010

Snack Attack!

I'm such a fail. My mother pointed out today that I didn't write yesterday, which I knew, but the acknowledgment got me thinking that maybe I should be writing here everyday. Should I? Will it be beneficial for me to do a daily entry. Will you get tired of hearing about my good days and my fat days? I don't know. I think I will try it for a while, but if I skip a day... I'm not giving up. I just have nothing to say.

So, my Saturday night ended up good. I didn't over eat. Yesterday, was good. I haven't lost or gained and I'm okay with that because I haven't really been trying and the way I look at it, no gain is always a positive. Today... *sighs* not so good, but I can still turn it around with dinner, right?

It's really difficult to be a stay at home mom and not want to constantly eat. You get bored when you aren't chasing your kid through the house, or backyard, or whatever the case may be. I snack constantly and then sit constantly to do things like blog.

Question to self: What can I do about my "over snacking" habit?

Conclusion: Buy healthy, filling snacks and get off my butt.

I know from experience that anything full of fiber and fruits are filling, so for now that's the plan. Oh, and almonds. Love them and they are so satisfying. I just have to measure out servings or I will indulge... DAILY. I don't think I have to completely deny myself to reach my goals, which I plan on setting Wednesday when I start Weight Watchers again. In fact, if I deny myself everything I'm destined to fail. I'm giving myself allowances - eating out once a week, a soda if I want one, the occasional four (or more) bites of ice cream or cake. Even the healthiest people have cravings.

Repeat mantra: You are what you eat. O_o

People say that losing weight is no walk in the park.  When I hear that I think, yeah, that's the problem.  ~Chris Adams


  1. Have you tried the weight watchers snacks that they sell in the supermarket? I freaking love them!

  2. Yes!! I love them, too! Their ice cream is good. The double chocolate bars are heaven in my mouth.
