Thursday, August 19, 2010

The who's, the why's, and the how's

Hi. *waves* I'm Keira, twenty-eight year old, stay at home mom. In the last three years (or a little more) I've gained 100 pounds! When I put it in writing it doesn't look that bad, but trust me... my jeans are angry!

I've always had trouble maintaining a healthy weight. Being thin, or even healthy has never come easy. I've always been at least fifteen pounds over weight, and like many people who have struggled with weight loss I have tried EVERYTHING! Phen-Fen was my drug of choice in high school. I've starved on Nutri-System, and spent hours a day counting points, or trying to plan meals to fit within my point system on Weight Watchers, which I love, but never stick to.

I decided to start this online weight journal because 1) I've never done well with handwritten food journals, and 2) in hopes that being in the public eye will give me the incentive to stick to a plan. Note that I said "a" because I'm not sure what the plan is yet. I don't want to diet. In fact, I refuse. I'm a mom to a two year old and I want to be healthy for her. If I could be fat and healthy... then maybe all of this wouldn't be necessary. Of course, I want to look good and be healthy for other reasons, but the thought of leaving her in a world where I don't exist is unbearable.

So, step one... buy a new scale. Step two... convince myself that instant gratification is a fantasy. Step three... turn that "a" into a "the".

Did I mention, I just ate a piece of pizza? FML!


  1. *thinks this is amazing and will be guilting myself along with you*

  2. I absolutely think this is a great idea! And Scale is a good start *runs to buy one too* lol
